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Writer's pictureElias Paulino

The Fall and Harvest of the Season

Fall is my favorite season of the year. The air and weather begins to change from hot summer days to chilly mornings and nights. The leaves start their own natural process of transition from green to yellow, orange, brown and red. The decorations on each home, restaurant, office and public space changes to reflect its presence. Coffee shops menu changes, adding my favorite coffee drink—the Pumpkin Spice Latte—only served during fall. Corn mazes are only operative during the fall months. Thanksgiving falls during the Fall—hahaha. And best thing ever, Fall is the beginning of the end of the year which leads to the best holidays ever, Christmas and New Years. Fall is the beginning of an end, and is the season where most changes takes place. The fall season offers a period of change, in both our daily agenda and nature, testifying that fall is the season of transformation.

As this year's season began, I had a moment with God where I felt like the Holy Spirit whisper in my heart, "Fall is the season of 'FALL AND HARVEST!'" With the emphasis on both words, fall and harvest. Fall is the season where leaves "fall," and simultaneously the period where farmers "harvest." This blog is about the fall and harvest of the season.

The Fall of the Season

During the falling of the season, we should expect three things: (1) for the weather to change, (2) for things to change their colors, and (3) for things to fall.

The first aspect that Fall is here, is that there is a shift in the weather. The chilly weather of the season leads to cozy clothing which symbolizes the covering of the Spirit for emotional and mental comfort, warmth and cuddling. The summer brings hard work, while the fall brings resting. Do you think it is a coincidence that in the Fall is when the day gets shorter and the night longer? God strategically every fall lengthens the night as a sign to invite us to spend more time resting! A sign you have entered your fall season, is that you have entered into emotional and mental rest in God.

The second aspect is that there is a change in the colors of the environment. I think that the changing of the colors represents our attitude and behavior. Haven't you noticed that for the most part, people's moods in the fall changes? People tend to become more mellow, more grateful, more loving, more caring, more giving, more compassionate, more peaceful. A change in your mood is the second evidence of your fall season.

The third aspect is that things might fall. This is the period of the year, not only when the leaves change their colors but when they fall from the tree. In this timeframe things fall because their season of attachment has ended. The leaves fall because they become weaken by not receiving the proper nutrients from the branches which are then blown away by the wind. In the Fall, God will caused certain things in our life to weaken and be blown away by the wind of the Spirit. God will weaken our sins, fears, pride, humanity, and selfish goals. The fall aspect is for God to remove anything that hinders our love and relationship with Him.

The Harvest of the Season

In many parts of the country, Fall is not known as "the fall season" but as the harvest season. Harvest because this is the time period when farmers reap, gather and store what has been sown during the spring and summer. Pumpkin, for instance, is a fruit that can only be gather during the fall. This is why the pumpkin is the fruit that represents the Fall and Harvest season nationwide.

As I was thinking about Fall, God was bringing me to the realization that in the same fashion we should expect things to fall from our life, we should also expect to reap a harvest in our life during this season. As His word says in Genesis 8:22, "As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease." Just focus on the part that says "seedtime and harvest... will never cease." As long as you plant seeds, you will always have a harvest! This is a promise of God! One of my most favorite quotes in life is, "Measure your day by the seeds you sow, not by the harvest you reap." What does this means—at least to me? Harvest will always follow a seedtime season. My harvest is guaranteed if I plant my seeds. You do not have to worry if you will reap, if you know you have sown your seeds. Your harvest is guaranteed and promise! Now, what seeds is God talking about? The seed of your gift, vision and purpose. God wants you to sow your gift because he wants to give you a harvest of the fulfillment of your purpose.

How do you know—personally—that you have "entered" into a new season? When the weather in your environment has changed, there is a transition of colors, some leaves have fallen and you have reap a harvest! The evidence of Fall is in its shift of change and transformation. God is a God of seasons, and nothing reflects more his purpose of change and transformation as Fall.

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Carola Vicente
Carola Vicente
Oct 25, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Wow I loved your thoughts on the things that fall in The Fall and of Harvest. ”As long as you plant seeds you will always have a harvest” definitely spoke to me in this season! Thank you!


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